Repeating constant with same value

If multiple constants have same value. 1 2 3 4 const ( min int = 1 max int = 1 ) Then the constant declaration can be simplified as below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 // constants repeat the previous type and expression const ( min int = 1 max // int = 1 ) }

October and November 2020 PythonPune virtual meetups

I have been part of the PythonPune organizing team since May 2019. Organizing and attending PythonPune meetups always excite me because I get to learn something new and meet new people. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, we moved meetups to virtual events since March'20, keeping the same level of excitement.

My first golang package

Here is my first golang package, It is pretty simple package that only contains a function Version(). The function returns go version string. How to use? Run command: $ go get Then use package in your go code: package main import ( "fmt" "github.

Run multiple go files in a same package

Suppose we have multiple go files, for example greet.go, bye.go and main.go in same directory and all have same package name. The main.go is calling greet() function from greet.go, similary greet.go is calling bye() from bye.go. In this case how to run this, so that it successfully call functions from other go files.

On Journaling

My notes on journaling from Writing reflects clear thinking and communication. Benefits of journaling Different studies noted following benefits: Journaling improves communication skills. Helps in sleep faster. Decreases emotional distress. Improves working memory. Cognition boost. Figure things out and clear your head.