My First Sketchnote

I am reading book ‘Sketchnote Handbook’ by Mike Rohde. It has reference to Veronica Erb and her talk about sketchnotes. While listening to the talk, I draw my first sketchnote.

Type hinting and Mypy

Python is dynamic typed language, but static type variable can be possible if we use type annotations. Python 3.5 and later versions have functionality of type hinting. Though It is completely optional. Type hinting is useful for testing purpose in CI. It does not change code to static variable; but it make easy to understand code that you have written long time ago.

Open Source Discussion platform

I am part of the RIT India Linux Users' Group (an acronym as RITINLUG) in our college. Our tag-line explains about us, which says “Where Learning is Fun and Sharing is a Learning Methodology” As a student, I am lucky that I use F/OSS for my all activities in college.

Embedded Ansible in ManageIQ

ManageIQ natively supports Ansible automation since Fine release. So it is possible to automate resources in infrastructure or cloud. Previously it was using Automate Datastore, for that scripts were written in the Ruby language. To start using Ansible inside ManageIQ, you have to enable Embedded Ansible server role in configuration.

Run ManageIQ using Docker

Docker image for ManageIQ is available. It can be run in Docker container. There are also other options like Public cloud or Vagrant to get started with ManageIQ. It can run everywhere Docker is available. First thing, you have to install Docker in your system.